Started 7 June be completed 7 April 2013

Friday, December 17, 2010

Finished my 1st crossword puzzle!

That only took a week to do but I did it!! I'm sure it's an easy one but an accomplishment none the less!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Picture the Holidays

(the little notes from Liam)
(Reflecting...enjoying the moment)
(mirroring and Dad saying, 'What the hell are you doing?')

I started my photography class on the 1st of this month. Yes, it's an online class and yes, it's not super sophisticated but it's fun and I'm enjoying the daily prompts and comments from fellow 'classmates'. :) Here are a few of the photos I've submitted so far....

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Project Linus (thing out of folder 'to do')

Completed one more thing out of the 15 I have to do out of my 'folder'....#6...only 9 more to go. This project has taken a hit this month. Hoping to hit it hard starting in the new year. Just can't cram any more things into this already busy month!